Healthcare Professionals

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Call us at (803) 749-7770 or email us by completing the contact form at the bottom of this page.

When you have cultivated and maintained relationships with your patients for years, we understand your desire to ensure your level of compassionate care continues throughout the rest of their life. Lutheran Hospice has highly-trained medical professionals available 24/7 to discuss complex cases.

At Lutheran Hospice, we believe that hospice care is not something one simply falls into, but rather, it is a calling. We’re proud to have team members with expertise and devotion to each of our patients and their families.

Patients of Lutheran Hospice experience end-of-life care intertwined with our six dimensions of wellness—physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, and occupational—within the mind, body, and spirit. This may mean scheduled visits from volunteers for social opportunities or from religious leaders for a spiritual session.