Posted on June 27, 2024 - Being a family caregiver is a noble and challenging role, often filled with love, dedication, and, unfortunately, legal complexities. People considering becoming a caregiver should know the legal implications. Here are nine essential tips to help you avoid potential legal problems and understand when to seek professional assistance.
Posted on June 25, 2024 - We've heard about tests that measure the fitness of an aging brain. But what functions do these cognitive tests measure and how can we maintain brain health?
Posted on June 24, 2024 - There are many who could debate the impact of global warming into the wee hours and likely, both sides would have good points. What isn’t debatable is the smothering heat wave that has hit most of our country over the last week especially here in the Southeast. As temperatures soar, thermostats get cranked and we struggle to maintain that wonderful balance of around 72 degrees that we humans so appreciate. Just like extreme cold, extreme heat is hard on everything including all things mechanical and living. For seniors living at home, it is extra hard as often they are on restricted budgets and turning that air-conditioning down can break the bank.
Posted on June 20, 2024 - Here’s a simple checklist to help people living with Parkinson’s disease prepare for extreme weather.
Posted on June 18, 2024 - Some people live into their 90s with no signs of cognitive decline. What makes them special?